Personal Organisation and Impact
For people who know that juggling multiple demands on their time, coping with competing priorities, and resolving constant conflicts make it extraordinarily difficult to be as effective as they would like. Many people feel overwhelmed, spend too much time at work, are not as organised as they would like to be and have too many meetings / fires or interruptions to deal with. This incredibly practical course will help you systematically address and solve these issues and get back in control. Specific ally, it will take you through the steps a professional coach would use to help you to achieve this
In this course, you will
Track and investigate your current use of time and completed a dashboard of your key work -life priorities, metrics and initiatives
Understand your current use of time: where it serves you and where it doesn’t
Know the mental mistakes that kill productivity
Learned techniques including Time Boxing, Prioritisation, Three Lists, and Pomodoro.
Know how to create the most strategic use of your time, and make it happen
Many of us are now required to make presentations or pitches as a part of our job. Many of us have experienced numbing presentations and seen presenters whose nerves or style of speaking killed their message - even if it was an important one! Few of us have been taught what makes a talk truly inspirational and compelling and this course will do exactly that. Whether you’re selling an idea, a product, yourself, or a concept, this course will teach you how to prepare for and deliver a pitch that directly targets the audiences neds and gets them to press that ‘buy’ button.
Presentations: what works and what doesnt?
The Neuroscience of Pitches and how to make a message compelling and stick
Persuasion Elements and Catalysts and how to use them
The power of ‘So What?’
Using the 4-Mat system for teaching or getting complex points across
This highly interactive course will help delegates improve their confidence and assertiveness and present themselves more effectively at work. From preparing your mindset in advance, to recovering during a setback, from effectively communicating what you really think or feel, to the stories we tell ourselves that enhance or destroy our confidence, this course will help you get clear on what you need to do and what we need to change. Delegates will identify and learn how to make small but significant changes, which together can lead to sustained benefits in their life.
What is confidence an dassertiveness really?
The importance of boundaries and how to create them
State Management and Priming our brain in advance
Recovering from setbacks: the breaths we can take and stories we can tell
The power of vulnerability
Communicating assertively: saying no, speaking what you feel, asking for help or for someone to change