My Coaching

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Most Executives are not thinking that they have a transformational journey to make, or wanting increased neuro-pasticity and Emotional Intelligence, or believing that the one thing they need above all else is a coach. Many however have big and immediate problems they need some help with and may be thinking …

  • I just started my role and have to figure out if I have the right team in place

  • I have to create a strategy for our organization and present it to the board

  • My team isn’t performing the way I need them to

  • I’m great at sales but now I’m management, I’m not doing as well

  • Our change initiative is going too slow

  • Our Culture has become too reactive and complacent

  • We have a new CEO and I need to get on her good side, fast

  • We’re merging with another company. I can see big issues ahead

  • I’m sleeping 4 hours a night due to all the work I have: this can’t keep going

  • I want to get promoted to Partner

  • I’ve been told to keep getting results, without leaving bodies in my wake

Sample Coaching Process

My goal as a coach is to help you find an efficient, effective path to the results you need, with a clear return on your investment in your time with me

Phase 1:
Initial meeting to establish requirements and develop insights

We meet to discuss your coaching requirements, clarify goals, expectations and commitments to the process. This session is face-to-face or via Zoom and will often involve a 3-way conversation with your manager to agree the coaching objectives and process.

Phase 2:
Information Gathering & create Personal Development Plan

Two 1½ hour Sessions.

Session 1 – The purpose of this session is to gather information in order to gain a clear understanding about you and your specific needs. This could involve understanding your career history and aspirations, a Leaders Dashboard, a review of performance data, conducting a Manager Interview, collating 360° feedback from others where helpful,

Session 2 – The purpose of this session is to discuss feedback from any diagnostics used. This feedback will help to guide the coaching process by increasing self -awareness, providing useful development frameworks and helping you to create specific and measurable goals.

Phase 3:
Focus, Solutions, and Implementation

Two 1½ hour Sessions.

We identify key actions to take, research or information needed, reviews of progress made to date, and continuing to work through the implementation plan. The content, process, and frequency of these sessions will be determined by your agenda and needs.

Phase 4:
Evaluation and Follow-Up

This could be a final session where outcomes are measured, and the contract is concluded. For longer-term contracts, these are milestones where we track results via regular measurement, metrics, and debriefs with stakeholders as well as a significant review / 3-way progress report with us and your line Manager every six-months.

Example Coaching Engagements


Marketing Manager to reduce the time it took to gain Board buy-in for projects by 75%.


New Housing Association CEO to build their powerbase and reenergise the company.


NHS Clinical Director to hold difficult conversations, whilst keeping challenging and complex relationships intact.


Business Owner facing a crisis of confidence following failed initiatives and a personal breakdown to develop improved coping strategies and refocus the business.


Top Tier Bank Executive to influence upwards and increase their impact in role.


High-Potential Manufacturing Manager to better engage and mobilise her team and influence the family run Board.


Council Senior Manager to better manage their anger when triggered.


IT Manager in the Finance Sector to approach delegation more effectively and better manage their workload.


City Mayor to speak more effectively at national conferences.


Senior Manager in Public Sector to prepare for and gain a Board position.


Public Sector Accounting Department to reduce interpersonal team-based conflict.


Head of Service to reposition his division from an internal service provider to a trusted strategic partner