Managers and Supervisors
This course will introduce Supervisors and Managers to the five practices of Exemplary Leadership. Delegates will then use Robert Dilts' Logical Levels Model to coach and personally explore their personal leadership approach against one or more of these Leadership Practices. We will finish the day by going into some depth on Situational Leadership and looking how to make this a very practical and pragmatic approach to leadership.
Understand the Kouzes and Posners’ day to day behaviours and practices of exemplary leaders
Conducted an analysis of themselves against this
Received coaching on where and how to improve using Dilts’ Neurological Levels
Have a deeper understanding of Situational Leadership as well as clear ideas on how to put this into practice in their teams
For delegates who want to get more top opportunities within their work, feel more secure in their job security, get things done when other people are required, be more productive by improving the quality and quantity of relationships, or who is about to begin a career transition.
Quick Assessments: What makes strong relationships? What’s my style?
My Opportunity Flow
Coaching Exercise: Develop compelling messages about the value you provide
Identify key colleagues and categorise your powerbase
Tactics: Get visible. Educate influential people about how you can help
Grow your Network: Introductions, Reconnection and Activities
Action Planning
For delegates who have long-term clients (internal or external) with whom they want to strengthen relationships, identify new ways to help them and go deeper with them. This simple yet powerful process will lead to much better client relationships. (This course can be adapted to focus on relationship with current manager, relationships across and relationships outside the organisation).
Goals for the Relationship
Understanding the client
Value Matrix
Key People to know and Relationship Plans
Possible initiatives and a roll-out plan
Value proposition and messaging
Next Steps
For managers who want to understand the factors that drive engagement and to help them put a clear plan in place to improve it within their area. Within two-days of this workshop, managers will submit their 90- and 30- day plans to improve engagement in their area for review.
What’s working and what’s in the way of engagement?
Breaking engagement down by employee
Know each employee
Set clear expectations
Customise your leadership
Recognise and acknowledge
Send messages that engage
Earn the right to lead
Your 90- and 30-day plans
Next Steps
For managers who have a major initiative to lead or are leading one which is not going as well as they’d like. Delegates will achieve faster results with as little alienating of employees as possible, a change process with open and honest communication and which feels more authentic and efficient as it considers the risks ahead of time.
Prework: Delegates will consult with key individuals to identify which aspects of the initiative are working, where improvement is needed and any additional advice they have.
Quick Review of Change Theory, Readiness, Resistance and Momentum
The Case for Change
Leadership goes first
The Path for change
Mobilising People
Providing Support
Tracking Progress
Celebrating results
Checking in and getting better
Team resilience has become business-critical as organisations seek ways to help staff to stay productive in workplaces that are increasingly turbulent, complex and pressurised. As a leader, you have a significant impact on your team’s ability to be resilient and can promote, or detract from, their overall effectiveness. We will explore how team resilience differs from personal resilience, and work out what you need to do as the leader, to approach resilience systemically, develop scalable interventions, and grow and support resilience across your team.
How Team Resilience differs from Personal Resilience
The systemic nature of Team Resilience and the need for scalable interventions
How Leaders promote or reduce their team’s resilience
The “Resilience at Work Leader” Model and importance of role modelling resilience
How to create space for discussion and planning around resilience in your team
Determine what you need to do, as a leader, to support resilience in your team.
Coaching Problems, Challenges, and People who are ‘Stuck’
This workshop will help managers increase their focus and capacity to coach someone fast as part of the work they already do – not in addition to it. It will help busy managers to become more coach-like, so that they can say less, ask more and change the way they lead forever by embedding coaching as a daily habit as opposed to it being a more one-off formal event. Delegates will learn a simple to use, immediately applicable coaching approach that works in 10 minutes or less, and can be used immediately and every day. They will practice using it on a real issue they face.
Why coaching does and doesn’t work
The principles of Real-World coaching: Be Lazy, Curious, and Often
Coaching Moments:
Get clear on the central challenge, avoid confiusion, and don’t solve the wrong challenge
Create Options and Possibilities to solve the problem
How to Spark ActionHow tostart and end ANY coaching conversation
The only 7 questions you need
Reviewing a Performance, Experience, or Piece of Work
People learn, grow, and improve exponentially when they are able, are given the opportunity, and are motivated, to effectively reflect on their practice and performance. This leads to powerful learning, skill development, adaptability, and confidence. It is also a key component of emotional intelligence.
Neuroscientific research has shown how our brains react to ‘feedback’ by initially going into – and sometimes staying in - a threat response. Managers who can guide this response towards growth, who help people skilfully reflect and learn after an experience or incident - dramatically improve their team’s capability and capacity. People feel more valued, and engaged with the work they do, and are more proactive towards the challenges and opportunities they face.
Why coaching does and doesn’t work
The Neuroscience of Feedback and Reviews. Stop Giving and Start asking for feedback:
Psychological Safety and the SCARE model. How our brains react to and can perceive feedback as ‘threat’.
How to elicit and use a growth mindset when reviewing performance and to encourage reflection
Introduction to the Reflective Feedback Conversation model for in-depth reviews or debriefing a piece-of-work, event, or incident.